“How can I guard my heart?” the pastor’s wife asked me with all sincerity. I realized then that it could not be a mere one line answer but whole lot of areas that we need to be aware of or else the enemy would take advantage of the most precious part of our life – ‘our heart’. And still somehow, we rarely pay attention to study this in detail.
Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” This verse even though true in the natural, however does not talk about the physical condition of the heart but the intellectual, and specially the ethical core.
Why does the Bible say the ‘heart’ is the source out of which all issues of life flow? Our minds have the ability to register and make notes of how our heart feels. It thereby allows decisions to be made based on how the heart feels in a particular occasion, many times even subconsciously.
The words ‘guard your heart’ mean to defend it continually from possible external attacks by being informed and alert; from allowing external issues to adulterate the springs of life that flows.
Starting from this week, we will go into each of these subjects in more depth. (See the contents here) Don’t miss a single post and don’t forget to email or share about these series with someone you know.
Let’s start with some basics.
1. Guard your Intake – Is it not interesting that the risk of heart disease for smokers is more than twice that of non-smokers. Unhealthy food adds to the woes of the heart troubles. And so is it with your life. What you see, what you hear, what you read, what you believe is all a part of the intake. Begin to be intentional on all what you intake into your life.(“How to Guard your Hearts Intake”, coming soon this Thursday, May 12th 2011)

It increases your strength and resistance against trouble. Similarly in life it takes practice and patience to pass the test. This is something many of us lack the most. Be persistent in pursuing God, against the persistent wiles of the enemy.(Here is something to exercise, read more, “The Secret of a Standing Man“)
3. Rest in God – A heart attack happens when the blood flowing to a branch of the heart is blocked. This causes the muscle cells to expire because they are not receiving the oxygen they require. One of the reasons this is caused is because of stress and anxiety. The worry about tomorrow. Remember God is the greatest promoter of rest from Genesis. (5 Important Lessons to Avoid Burn Out, coming soon)
4. Overcome Awful Words – Bible says, Offenses must come. And whether we will be offended or not is our choice. It is under these pressures you will learn very valuable lessons in life. If you ever want to make it as a leader, you need to learn to handle those criticisms and overlook offenses especially when you don’t want to.

5. Your Friends Matter – Are your friends honest to you? Proverbs 27:9 says, “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel.” A good friend is not afraid to tell you were wrong and yet stand by you. Your true friends are those that fear God more than you. (The Power of Your Friendships, coming soon)
6. Find wise & truthful mentors – A best way to guard your heart in detail is to go to a specialist regularly to check your heart. Sometimes we miss seeing the details of life in our own shoes. And sometimes it requires another to show you the truth that is seen from an outside perspective that comes from exposure and experience. God does use people to bless us with wise counsel. (Guest post by Dr. John Mc. Donald, “Finding the Giant, and then Standing Tall” Coming soon)

Jesus reminds us to the chilling truth inJohn 15:5, “…apart from me you can do nothing. ” All our human efforts are in vein without God taking over our lives. He made our hearts, therefore it is best to be left in the Maker’s hand. (Coming soon, “7 Tips for a Struggle Free Prayer Time”, and “5-Tips On Effective Daily Bible Reading”) [Meanwhile here's some posts that could help you. "3 Keys to a Mountain Top Prayer" “I don't feel like praying? I don’t feel God in prayer?” “How to read the Bible and what matters the most”]
I am glad to do this series of study with you and I believe these posts will empower you. I pray that you would not miss any of this posts in the series. You can be kept notified when you subscribe to this blog (here) Next weeks post: “How to Guard your Hearts Intake”
Leave me your thoughts, suggestions, or anything else you’re inspired to share, right below in the comment session.
Lets keep guarding our heart for Jesus,
Shyju Mathew © SMMinistries. Website: http://www.shyjumathew.com
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